Student Ministry

Student Ministry

Middle and High Schoolers

Did you know that according to a recent survey, only 6% of professing Christians in America have a biblical worldview?
We recognize the issue of worldview in our students today. Our student ministry is dedicated to teaching the Biblical truth about God, mankind, sin, and salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

As the student ministry of Arnhart Baptist Church, we teach students that life is about Christ (Philippians 1:21). Our desire is to see students come to salvation in Jesus Christ and to grow in how they obey Him, treasure Him, proclaim Him, and serve for His glory. This is done through regular preaching and small group discipleship. We want to walk with young people as they transition to adulthood, formulating their own spiritual convictions as they understand, apply, and delight in God’s Word.

Our mission is to aid parents by coming alongside them and their family to encourage their children to walk with the Lord. The goal of this youth group is not to replace church, but to impress the importance of the family and church community of believers upon these teenagers. We want to partner with parents to give them the tools they need to be successful in training their children to love the Lord.

Wednesday Nights
The SUITE (Upstairs) @ 6:30PM
Sunday Morning
Small Group - Upstairs @ 9:45AM

As a youth group, we often participate in and host several fun events that are designed with our students in mind. We recognize that trips to places like Silver Dollar City are fun and that they can help us create meaningful, lasting connections with your student and give us influence to speak truth into their lives. However, don’t get confused, this Youth Group is not all about fun events. We use events, retreats, and camps (like Camp Table Rock) to get your student outside of day to day life. The atmosphere of camp allows us the opportunity to pour truth into their lives in a unique place that has prepared their hearts to hear.
If you’d like to know more about what we do and why, contact Ben at the church office or email him directly at